Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Talk About Tuesday - Photography

Last night Leanna and I went to a beginners digital photography class put on by the Arts and Crafts here on post. It was free, and I like free, so I said, "why not?" I know I have so much to learn about taking a good photo, and after going to the class I now realize how much.

Before I bought my camera I did a lot of research on the different brands and features that are available. I read a lot about things like F-stops and shutter speeds and stuff like that, that didn't mean very much to me.

It wasn't until that teacher was standing in front of us and explaining why you have to do this and that, with examples, that I really understood some of the concepts.

Other things like composition and the rule of thirds, things I never realized were important, were explained, showing why the photos look better when you follow those guidelines.

  • Don't just put your subject in the center of the frame and leave them there, experiment with them off to the left or right, towards the top or bottom.
  • Look for the interesting shots, or the wow! factor.
  • Get some contrast in your photo, for example if the baby you are taking the photo of has blue eyes, put a blue blanket in with them. It will make the baby's eyes stand out.
The first thing she said was, "Never use your first shot of something, because that is the same perspective that everyone else sees." When I thought about it, I realized she was right and that I usually always delete the first photo of my subject when I get the pics into the computer, because the next ones are always framed better, or look more interesting, or whatever.

For portraits she told us:
  • The most important thing to get in focus is the person's eyes.
  • Natural, or diffused light is best.
The teacher gave us an assignment, to photograph one object 50 times. She said that way we will use our minds to come up with ways to photograph something creatively.

I think Leanna enjoyed it too and learned some things, I even saw her taking notes :) We are going back next month for another class, I'll let you know how that one goes.

To see what other people are talking about today, visit The Lazy Organizer.


Anonymous said...

Woah a photography class is very nice :D I would like to follow one too. But hahaha sometimes I want te be very serious with photography but then I just want to make those slices of life pics .. without too much thinking. Have fun taking photos with your new knowledge! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Those are some great tips!

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

WOW! Sounds like a great class! I would LOVE to take a photog class to learn about all the stuff you just discribed. Thanks for sharing your tips and good luck in class!

Rebecca said...

Sounds like a great class! I wonder if they offer anything similar at this post. I took an intro to photography class in high school but don't think I paid as much attention as I should have. Thanks for sharing your tips!

Jennifer said...

I would love to take a class like that. Thanks for sharing the tips you learned.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the photography class was well worth going to. Everyone can take a photo, but it's about taking a good photo, and the right photo... Make sure you share you photography experiences with us :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love it. I've always wanted to take a photog. class but just haven't found the time. I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

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