Looks like we'll be heading out today. My husband's grandpa is extremely sick and we've been called home. All we have to do now is wade through the Army's red tape in order to get approved for emergency leave.
I don't know if I'll have any internet access while I'm gone but I'll try to check in if I can.
Please keep us in your thoughts.... the inevitable is going to crush my husband because his grandparents are like parents to him.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Out of Town
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Spring Time Photo Contest
Karen is hosting a photo contest with a spring theme on her blog. This is my entry into the contest. If you click on the photo, it will enlarge and you can see it better. We planted these flowers in our flower garden this year (ok, my husband planted them while I took pictures, lol). I took this one right after he watered them and you can still see the water drops on the flower.
Voting starts on April 18th and ends on the 21st. Go on over and check it out, and if you like my photo entry, please vote for me :)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tackle It Tuesday
I'm kind of embarrassed to show you the mountain of clean clothes that I have on my bed. They need to be folded and put away or hung up. I don't usually mind doing laundry, but this part of it I hate!
Edit: I'm finally finished!! Yay! I'm not going to show you a picture of that because it would just be my empty bed (that's not made) lol :)
To see what other people are tackling, head on over to 5 Minutes For Mom.
Talk About Tuesday - Blue Man Group
Sunday we drove into Wichita to see the Blue Man Group at the Kansas Coliseum. It was a fantastic show!! Much better than I had expected.
They had an opening act, Mike Relm, who was great himself. I don't quite know how to explain what he does. He does things with sounds and video and choreographs them together, which changes them into something else. Does that make sense?
These blue men, who are actually blue, can play the drums on any type of contraption and make it sound awesome!
These drums were awesome, that is water spraying up as he is drumming....
This show had a lot of audience participation to it, with words on the screens telling people what to do, and the blue men really catering to the audience and getting them involved. The people in this next picture actually were part of the audience, and got pulled up on the stage to participate in some weirdness. That is a huge gob of marshmallows on her head, by the way :)
Its like there was a comedy act in the middle of all the music....
All in all, it was a great show for people of all ages, the group sitting next to me had a three or four year old, and she just loved it, laughing through the whole show. Leanna, who is 16, had a great time also.
This is the guitarist, I just put this photo up because it turned out well :)
The only issue I have is the price of the concessions and souvenirs once you get there. A regular size bag of M&Ms cost $3.00!! and so did a bottle of water. It was crazy! The program for the show, you know we had to get one of them, was $15.00! I almost said no because of the price, but we get one from every event we attend and it was a pretty cool little book. The DVDs were $30.00 so I said no way to that.
To see what other people are talking about this week, please visit The Lazy Organizer.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Happy Birthday To Me!!!
Today I turned 35. Kind of a milestone I guess but I don't feel any different.
So the reason I haven't been around all weekend is because my family kind of turned it into a birthday weekend for me. We spent a lot of time together as a family, something you do less and less of as the kid gets older and everyone has different interests.
Friday we ate at Cracker Barrel, who's Chicken and Dumplings are to die for. Saturday morning we went to IHOP and I ordered stuffed french toast with bananas and caramel on top. It was awesome, just like eating dessert :) Then my husband cooked me dinner using recipes he found. He is so sweet sometimes :)
Yesterday we drove to Wichita (2 hours away) to go see The Blue Man Group perform. It was so awesome!! I've seen videos of them before but it is so much better live. We had floor seats 27 rows back. They were pretty decent seats. Leanna had a perfect view in between people but I had 2 big heads in front of me. Oh well, that is to be expected, lol. I took some pictures and I'll see about getting them up a little later today after I have a look at them.
One thing I have to remember to never do again: Never go to an event with only one camera battery that isn't even fully charged. The camera died on me. So for my birthday I'm buying an extra camera battery (or two).
Question: Has anyone used Ebay or Amazon for camera supplies? I've noticed their prices are cheaper than places like B&H but.... sometime cheap means cheap, know what I mean? I'm scared to shop online sometimes because I don't know what kind of quality I'm going to get. I wish there was a camera store near us....
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Camera Critters
This is the first week of the new Camera Critters meme, showcasing the animals in your life.
What can I say? I have one lazy dog!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Lens Day - Comfort
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
My Ten Favorite Actors/Actresses
In no particular order except #1 :)
1. Angelina Jolie - my all time favorite!
2. Nicholas Cage
3. Denzel Washington
4. Johnny Depp - he finds the weirdest roles and makes them real
5. Christina Ricci
6. Samuel L. Jackson
7. Julia Roberts
8. Charlize Theron
9. Evangeline Lilly
10. Will Smith - Pursuit of Happyness and I am Legend are two of my most favorite movies :)
For more, go visit Ten on Tuesday.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Odd Shots Monday
Taking a picture of the sun during a sunset....
I thought it looked pretty odd :)
For more odd photos, visit Katney's Kaboodle.
Weekend Snapshot
The trees are in bloom in Wichita, but not yet here only a hundred miles away....
Visit Weekend Snapshot.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Weekly Winners
Things are starting to grow in my garden....
Really neat blooms on a tree....
A mushroom about ten feet up....
From a wedding we attended this weekend....
Sunset on the way home.....
Death and rebirth....
From my sweet husband :)
For more Weekly Winners, take a peek at Sarcastic Mom.
Unconscious Mutterings
I say ... and you think ... ?
- Nutritious :: healthy
- Graduate :: college
- Tonight! :: TV
- Located :: home
- Weapon :: gun
- Jumper :: the movie
- Collectibles :: glass
- Dennis :: the menace
- Hostile :: angry
- Vivid :: lighting
Visit Unconscious Mutterings.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Insomnia and Fibro Fog
I am happy to report that my insomnia is doing better, Lunesta really works wonders. The only complaint I have about it is it messed up my taste buds. Things I loved to eat and drink before I started taking it, I can't stand now, like milk. I have a bowl of cereal (Special K) with a bunch of milk in it every morning because I love to drink the milk afterwards. Not anymore.... all foods taste different now. But it is a case of where the benefits outweigh the side effects, because the sleep is more important to me.
Now the fibro fog on the other hand, after being on the sleep meds for more than a month, the fog should have lifted quite a bit. But it hasn't. I can tell it is taking me longer to react to what others are saying to me, longer to find the words I am looking for (and that looks really bad in a job interview
I was doing so well with my Fibromyalgia for quite a long time. I've been on the same combo of medication for a few years now, with minor dosage tweaking here and there. Not to say that I haven't been in pain, because it never completely goes away, but that it was manageable and I was functioning pretty good.
When I went to the doctor for the sleep issue, she tried to take me off of one of my other meds. She said that one, Elavil, should be helping me sleep. I told her no, I take that because it tells my body that I am not in pain and my body believes it. (I've always liked that description, one of my first doctors explained it to me that way.) I know what happens when I stop taking it, first my hips hurt, then my knees and shoulders and wrists, within a couple of days I no longer function because I hurt so bad. It was a huge hassle to try to explain this to her.
Why do doctors always think they know best? I've had this disease for over 12 years, don't they think I know my own body and how it reacts? One would think that they would look in my records and see how many different combinations of meds I've tried and that have failed me. I am not a drug seeker, I don't ask for narcotics or anything like that, because I have found that they don't help me.
But anyway, I wish I knew of something I could do to help my foggy brain, I would welcome any and all suggestions. I hate the way it makes me feel. A lady in a Yahoo group I am in said she "cured" her Fibro naturally after someone mentioned they had it, I wrote and asked her how, but she never responded back. I don't think it is possible to cure it, unfortunately only manage it.
Sky Watch and Photo Friday - Far From Home
This is a picture taken by my husband while on his plane trip to Korea. It is definitely a sight to see :)
And here they are flying on TOP of the clouds....
The theme for this Photo Friday is Far From Home. Well I think Korea is about as far as my husband can get from home....
For more Sky Watch photos, visit Wiggers World.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Thursday Photo Challenge - Pets
13 Ways To Avoid Doing Homework
1. sleep
2. clean
3. eat
4. spend a lot of time in the bathroom
5. check your email
6. talk on the phone
7. say things like, "I will after this show is over"
8. go shopping
9. play with the dog
10. organize your desk
11. update your to-do list
12. do bills
and the last one?
13. run screaming the other way!!
Can you tell I'm getting a little burnt out?
For more participants, visit Thursday Thirteen.